Lista över landets telefonoperatörer

En telefonoperatör, eller mobilnätsoperatör, är ett företag som erbjuder telekommunikationstjänster för mobiltelefoner, såsom röstsamtal, textmeddelanden och dataåtkomst. Människor är beroende av telefonoperatörer för att länka sina enheter till nätverket, så att de kan ringa, skicka sms och använda internet när de reser. Varje land har sin egen uppsättning telefonoperatörer, och nedan är den omfattande listan över alla telefonoperatörer per land.

Lands namn Telefonoperatör
AndorraAndorra Telecom
Förenade Arabemiratendu, Etisalat
AfghanistanAfghan Wireless, Etisalat Afghanistan, MTN, Roshan, Salaam
Antigua och BarbudaDigicel, FLOW
AnguillaDigicel, FLOW
AlbanienOne Albania, Vodafone Albania
ArmenienTeam Telecom Armenia, Ucom, VIVA
AngolaAfricell, Movicel, Unitel
ArgentinaClaro, Movistar, Personal
Amerikanska SamoaAmerican Samoa Telecommunications Authority (ASTCA), Blue Sky Communications
ÖsterrikeA1, Drei, Magenta Telekom
AustralienOptus, Telstra, Vodafone AU
ArubaDigicel, MIO, SetarNV
AzerbajdzjanAzercell, Bakcell, Nar, Nakhtel
Bosnien och HercegovinaBH Mobile, m:tel, HT ERONET
BarbadosDigicel, FLOW
BangladeshBanglalink, Grameenphone, Robi, Teletalk
BelgienBase, Orange, Proximus
Burkina FasoOrange, Telecel Faso, Telmob
BulgarienA1, Vivacom, Yettel
BahrainBatelco, stc, Zain
BurundiLumitel, Econet Leo, ONAMOB, Smart Mobile
BeninBBcom, Glo, Libercom, Moov, MTN
BermudaDigicel, One
BruneiDatastream Technology Sdn Bhd (DST), Progresif Cellular Sdn Bhd
BoliviaEntel, Tigo, Viva
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius och SabaDigicel, FLOW
BrasilienAlgar Telecom, Claro, Surf, TIM, Vivo
BahamasAliv, BTC
BhutanB-Mobile, TashiCell
Botswanabtc, Mascom, Orange
Vitryssland A1, Life, MTS
BelizeDigi, Smart
KanadaBell, Rogers, SaskTel, Telus, Videotron
Kongo-KinshasaAfricell, Airtel, Orange, Vodacom
Centralafrikanska republikenazur, Moov Africa, Orange, telecel
Kongo-BrazzavilleAirtel, Azur, MTN
SchweizSalt, Sunrise, Swisscom
ElfenbenskustenGreenN, Koz, Orange, MTN, Moov
ChileClaro, Entel, Movistar, WOM
KamerunCamtel, MTN, Nexttel, Orange
KinaChina Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, China Broadnet
ColombiaClaro, Movistar, Tigo, WOM
Costa RicaKolbi, Liberty, Claro
Kap VerdeCV Movel, T-MAIS
CuraçaoDigicel, FLOW
CypernCablenet, Cytamobile-Vodafone, Epic, PrimeTel
TjeckienT-Mobile, O2, Vodafone
TysklandTelekom, O2, Vodafone, 1&1 Mobilfunk
DanmarkTDC, Telenor, Telia, 3
DominicaDigicel, FLOW
Dominikanska republikenaltice, Claro, Viva
AlgerietDjezzy, Mobilis, Ooredoo
EcuadorClaro, Cnt, Movistar
EstlandElisa, Telia, Tele2
EgyptenEtisalat, Vodafone Egypt, Orange, We
SpanienMovistar, Orange, Vodafone, Yoigo
EtiopienEthiotelecom, Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia
FinlandElisa, Telia, DNA
FijiVodafone, Digicel
MikronesienFSM Telecom
FäröarnaForoya Tele, Nema, Tosa
FrankrikeBouygues Telecom, Free Mobile, Orange, SFR
GabonAirtel, Moov Africa Gabon Telecom
StorbritannienEE, O2, Three, Vodafone
GrenadaDigicel, FLOW
GeorgienCellfie, Magticom, Silknet
Franska GuyanaDigicel, Orange Caraibe, SFR Caraibe
GuernseyAirtel-Vodafone, JT, Sure
GhanaAirtelTigo, Glo, MTN, Vodafone Ghana
GambiaAfricell, Comium, Gamcel, Qcell
GuineaCellcom Guinée, Intercel, MTN, Orange, Sotelgui
GuadeloupeDigicel, Orange
EkvatorialguineaGecomsa, Muni, Orange
GreklandCOSMOTE, NOVA, Vodafone
GuatemalaClaro, Tigo
GuamDocomo Pacific, GTA, IT&E and Iconnect
Guinea-BissauGuinetel, MTN, Orange
GuyanaDigicel, gtt
Hongkong (S.A.R. Kina)CMHK, csl, SmarTone, 3
HondurasClaro, HONDUTEL, Tigo
KroatienA1, Hrvatski Telekom, Telemach
HaitiDigicel, NATCOM
UngernMagyar Telekom, Yettel, Vodafone
IndonesienIndosat Ooredoo Hutchison, Smartfren, Telkomsel, XL Axiata
Irlandeir, Vodafone, 3
IsraelCellcom, Golan Telecom, Hot Mobile, Partner, Pelephone, XFONE
Isle of ManManx Telecom, Sure
IndienAirtel, BSNL, Jio, MTNL, Vi
IrakAsia Cell, Korek, Zain
IranHamrahe Aval, Irancell, RighTel
IslandSiminn, Nova, Vodafone
ItalienWind Tre, TIM, Vodafone, Iliad, FASTWEB
JerseyAirtel-Vodafone, JT, Sure
JamaicaDigicel, FLOW
JordanienOrange Jordan, Umniah, Zain Jordan
Japanau, NTT Docomo, Rakuten Mobile, SoftBank Corp. & Ymobile
KenyaAirtel Kenya, Jamii Telecommunications, Safaricom, Telkom Kenya
KirgizistanBeeline, Fonex, iTel, Katel, MegaCom, Nexi, O!, Sapat Mobile, Saima Telecom
KambodjaCellcard, Metfone, Smart
KiribatiOceanlink, Vodafone Kiribati
KomorernaHURI, Telma
S:t Kitts och NevisDigicel, FLOW
NordkoreaKoryolink, Kangsong NET
SydkoreaSK Telecom, LG U+, KT
KuwaitOoredoo, Saudi Telecom Company, Zain
CaymanöarnaDigicel, FLOW Cayman
KazakstanBeeline, Kcell, Tele2 Kazakhstan
LaosETL, Lao Telecom, TPLUS, Unitel
LibanonAlfa, touch
S:t LuciaDigicel, FLOW
LiechtensteinFL1, Swisscom FL, 7acht
Sri LankaDialog, Hutch, SLTMobitel
LiberiaLonestar Cell MTN, LTC Mobile, Novafone, Orange
LesothoEconet Telecom Lesotho, Vodacom
LitauenBite, Tele2, Telia Lietuva
LuxemburgOrange, POST, Tango, Vodafone
LettlandBite, LMT, Tele2, Triatel, Xomobile
LibyenAlmadar Aljadid, Libyana
Marockoinwi, Maroc Telecom, Orange Morocco
MonacoMonaco Telecom
MoldavienInterdnestrcom, Moldcell, Orange
Montenegrom:tel, Crnogorski Telekom, One Montenegro
S:t MartinDauphin Telecom, Digicel
MadagaskarAirtel, Blueline, Orange, Telma Mobile
MakedonienA1, Telekom
MaliMoov Africa Malitel, Orange, Planor
BurmaATOM, MPT, Mytel, Ooredoo
MongolietG-Mobile, Skytel, Unitel
Macao (S.A.R. Kina)China Telecom, CTM, SmarTone MAC, 3 Macau
NordmarianernaDocomo Pacific, IT&E
MartiniqueDigicel, Orange, SFR
MauretanienChinguitel, MATTEL, Moov Mauritel
MontserratDigicel, FLOW
MaltaEpic, GO, Melita
MauritiusCHiLi, Emtel, Mauritius Telecom
MaldivernaDhiraagu, Ooredoo Maldives
MalawiAccess, Airtel, G-Expresso, G-Mobile, Lacell, MTL, TNM
MexikoAT&T Mexico, Telcel, Movistar, Red Compartida
MalaysiaCelcomDigi, Maxis, Unifi Mobile, U Mobile, Yes
MoçambiqueMovitel, Tmcel, Vodacom
NamibiaMTC, TN Mobile
Nya KaledonienMobilis
NigerAirtel, Moov Africa Niger, Niger Telecoms, Zamani Telecom
NorfolkönNorfolk Telecom
NigeriaAirtel, Glo Mobile, MTN, 9mobile
NicaraguaClaro, Tigo
NederländernaKPN, Odido, Vodafone
NorgeIce, Telenor, Telia
NepalNcell, Nepal Telecom, SmartCell
NiueTelecom Niue
Nya ZeelandOne NZ, Spark, 2degrees
OmanOmantel, Ooredoo
PanamaClaro, Digicel, Tigo, +movil
PeruBitel, Claro, Entel, Movistar
Franska PolynesienVINI, Vodafone, VITI
Papua Nya GuineaBMobile, Digicel, Telikom PNG
FilippinernaDito Telecommunity, Globe Telecom, Smart Communications, Now Telecom
PakistanJazz, Telenor Pakistan, Ufone, Zong
PolenOrange, Play, Plus, T-Mobile
S:t Pierre och MiquelonSpm Telecom
Puerto RicoClaro, Liberty, T-Mobile
Palestinska territorietJawwal, Ooredoo
PortugalMEO, NOS, Vodafone
ParaguayClaro, Personal, Tigo, VOX
QatarOoredoo, Vodafone
RéunionFREE, Orange, SFR
RumänienDigi, Orange, Telekom, Vodafone
SerbienA1, MTS, Yettel
RysslandBeeline, MegaFon, MTS, Tele2 Russia
RwandaAirtel, MTN Rwanda
SaudiarabienLebara Mobile KSA, Mobily, stc, Virgin mobile KSA, Zain
SalomonöarnaOur Telekom
SeychellernaAirtel, Cable & Wireless
SudanMTN, Sudani, Zain
SverigeTelenor, Tele2, Telia, Tre
SingaporeGRID Communications, M1, SIMBA, Singtel Mobile, StarHub
S:t HelenaSure
SlovenienA1, Telekom Slovenije, Telemach, T-2
SlovakienO2, Telekom, Orange
Sierra LeoneAfricell, Comium, GreenN, Orange, Qcell, Sierratel
San MarinoTelecom Italia San Marino, Telefonia Mobile Sammarinese, Prima
SenegalExpresso, Free, Hayo Telecom, Orange
SomaliaGolis Telecom Somalia, Hormuud, Nationlink, Netco, Somtel, Somafone, SomNet, Telcom Somalia, Telesom Mobile
SurinamDigicel, Telesur
SydsudanGemtel, MTN, Sudani, Vivacell, Zain
São Tomé och PríncipeCST
El SalvadorClaro, Digicel, Movistar, RED, Tigo
SyrienMTN, Syriatel
SwazilandEswatini Mobile, MTN
Turks- och CaicosöarnaDigicel, FLOW
TchadAirtel, Moov
TogoMoov Africa Togo, Togocel
ThailandAIS, my by NT, NT Mobile, True
TadzjikistanMegafon, TCell, ZET-Mobile, Babilon Mobile
ÖsttimorTelemor, Timor Telecom, Telkomcel
TurkmenistanTM CELL, ASTU
TunisienOoredoo, Tunisie Telecom, Orange
TongaDigicel, TCC
TurkietTurkcell, Vodafone Turkey, Turk Telekom
Trinidad och Tobagobmobile, Digicel
TaiwanChunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, Far EasTone
TanzaniaVodacom, Airtel, Tigo, Halotel, Zantel
UkrainaKyivstar, Vodafone, lifecell, Intertelecom, TriMob, PEOPLEnet
UgandaMTN Uganda, Airtel Uganda, Smile Telecom, Lycamobile
USAVerizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, Boost Mobile, U.S. Cellular
UruguayAntel, Claro, Movistar
UzbekistanBeeline, Mobi.UZ, UCell
S:t Vincent och GrenadinernaDigicel, FLOW
VenezuelaDigitel GSM, Movilnet, Movistar
Brittiska JungfruöarnaCCT, Digicel, FLOW
Amerikanska JungfruöarnaClaro, Liberty, T-Mobile
VietnamGmobile, MobiFone, Vietnamobile, Viettel Mobile, Vinaphone
VanuatuVodafone Vanuatu, Digicel
Wallis- och FutunaöarnaManuia
SamoaDigicel, Vodafone Samoa
JemenSabafon, Yemen Mobile, YOU, Y Telecom
MayotteFree Mayotte, Orange Mayotte, SFR Mayotte, Telma Mayotte
SydafrikaCell C, MTN, Rain, Telkom, Vodacom
ZambiaAirtel, MTN, Zamtel
ZimbabweEconet, NetOne, telecel

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